What you can drop off at WRRP

WRRP accepts most recyclable materials, resaleable items, green waste, and rubbish as well as other materials such as e-waste, electrical appliances, and silage and baleage wraps.

The Waitaki Resource Recovery Park accepts the following materials and items:

Recyclable materials

This includes certain plastics (type 1, 2 and some 5), glass bottles and jars, tin and aluminium cans, cardboard and selected other materials.

Check out the Get Sorted shop!
Resaleable items

Any and all secondhand items that still have some life in them – including toys, clothes, shoes, ceramics, magazines and more. Come find a bargain at the Get Sorted Shop!

Bring in your green waste
Green waste

All rubbish-free green waste except flax, cabbage trees and native grasses.
Please keep grass clippings separate.

Drop your rubbish off and we'll help manage your waste!

Any waste material that is not recyclable or resaleable, or is dirty or contaminated. This includes kitchen waste like food scraps and sauces. Please note that there is a single axle trailer limit on rubbish drop-offs.

Other materials

This includes electrical appliances, farm plastics (silage and baleage wraps), and e-waste. Please note that there may be load limits and costs involved.

COVID-19 Orange

Orange Level guidelines

  1. Face masks are required to be worn onsite
  2. Contact tracing must be done for anyone coming onto our site, information required Name, and Phone number 
  3. Social distancing is in effect, please keep at least 1 metre away from anyone
  4. If you are sick stay away
  5. Complete your green waste, recycling and rubbish as quickly and safely as possible to allow other customers to come in

Be kind and respect staff and each other, we are all in this together.
Please be patient there may be long waiting times.